Pure and crystalline cube.
20 models range from 22 kg to 300 kg/24 hrs
Tropical class +43° C
AISI 304 SS Scotch brite finishing
Electromechanical operation
The main features are its temperature just below 0°C and its malleability, which allows for creativity in display design.
13 models range from 60 kg to 1,000 kg/24 hrs
AISI 304 SS Scotch brite finishing
Tropical class +43° C
Sub-cooled flakes for long term conservation
Defined by high cooling power, their temperatures change from -5°C to -10°C and thickness from 1.5 mm to 2 mm.
It is a particularly cold ice developed for specific applications like the fishing,, and meat processing industries.
16 models range from 250 kg to 5,000 kg/24 hrs
AISI 304 SS Scotch brite finishing